Chinese from Italy

Chinese from Italy
Let's get two boxers. They look the same. They differ a bit in the logo but they have a UOMO logo and so are the same?
First of all, "UOMO" is not a brand. It's just a word, sex. It is translated as "MAN" in Italian. Several Chinese underwear factories want to write something on the underwear, but they don’t wanna have any copyright or brand problems, so they put the "UOMO".
Thesalesman will probably say they are Italian origin. She/He probably does not lie to you. After all the ship from China unload in an Italian port and then with a truck from Italy, arrived at the store. The sure thing is that what you purchased was made in China. Without any specifications for chemical toxicity or for colors or fitting. It can fit you well, it may not. It can be torn, maybe it wont. It can cause you rashes and may not. Good luck. From an economy point of view, you better get 5 instead of 1 Greek that will keep you 5 times more. Since, the Chinese are at 1/5 of the cost of Hellenic underwear.