Vegan Underwear
Are underwear Lord Vegan?
The question was if our products contain animal raw materials and if we have vegan certifications.
We searched for our raw materials, contacted our suppliers and finally it turned out that Lord's underwear are vegan. The underwear rubber bands are made of 100% synthetic yarns, ie polyamide and elastane. The exact composition is: Polyamide 88% Elastane 12%
In addition, the substances used for the lubrication of the production machines are 100% synthetic. The threads we use to join the fabrics are cotton and in some cases made of synthetic polyamide.
For underwear made of non-cotton fabrics such as Viscose and Micromodal are made from wood pulp.
In addition, as we do not produce any woolen underwear, so there is no possibility that animal wool fibers will contaminate vegan products (wool fibers become entangled with cotton fibers when knitting fabrics).
So it turns out that ALL our products are VEGAN. Guaranteed not to contain any animal raw materials, substances or by-products of animal origin.